Misty Mountain Quilters Guild

North Georgia - North Carolina

MMQG General Meetings & Monthly Calendar

Inclement Weather Policy:

If Union County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, then Guild Activities are usually cancelled for that day. You can check the school system status at https://www.ucschools.org/

March General Meeting: Tuesday, March 25! 

First United Methodist Church - Blairsville  (on Route 515, opposite Meeks Park)

Arrive at noon for social time, Meeting begins promptly at 12:30 pm.

March 25 Program: Carol Stanek, https://stitchwithcolor.com/, will be presenting a trunk show. She loves foundation piecing, so expect to see some beautiful paper-pieced quilts.

Retreat registration will continue at the March 25 General Meeting.

April 22 Program: Sgt. Calamari from the Union County Sheriff's Department will NOT be talking about quilting, but he has a great presentation about how to recognize and avoid scams, that tend to target older adults. It is well worth hearing what he has to say! Don't send your money to a scammer when you can spend it on more fabric! Bring your friends and neighbors to this meeting!

New Photo Directory: Karen Izor has put together a new photo directory for the Guild. (The last one was done in 2018, and a lot of people have joined since then!) Directories will be available to purchase at General Meetings for $5.00. 

Under normal circumstances, the Misty Mountain Quilters Guild meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the First United Methodist Church of Union County in Blairsville, GA. Usual arrival time is now 12:00 noon and the meeting begins at 12:30 p.m. It is the mission of our guild to educate, share, promote and keep alive the art and traditions of quiltmaking.

Contact us at MMQGinfo@gmail.com

Be sure to check the Trading Post page for sewing machines and other quilting supplies for sale!